When a Adyen payment terminal is lost or stolen

When a Adyen payment terminal is lost or stolen

When you discover that an Adyen payment terminal is lost or stolen, proceed as follows:

  1. Write an email with answers to the following questions:
    • What is the model and serial number of the missing terminal?
      If necessary you can determine the serial number through exclusion: you check the serial numbers of the terminals in your store against the terminals that your Customer Area lists.
    • Where was the terminal lost or stolen?
    • How did this happen?
    • How did you discover the terminal was missing?
    • Was the terminal in active use, or was it still in its packaging with intact security seals?
    • If you suspect theft, did you file a police report?
      • If yes, attach the police report to the email.
      • If no, file a police report and send it to us as soon as possible.
    • What actions have you taken to prevent this from happening again?
  2. Send your email to our POS Support Team with terminals@adyen.com in CC.

Please see https://docs.adyen.com/point-of-sale/managing-terminals/security-inspection#lost-or-stolen for step by step instructions to follow when a device has been lost or stolen.
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