Adyen E355 Terminal Best Practices

Adyen E355 Terminal Best Practices

Please ensure customers are fully inserting their card, and waiting for prompt on screen before sliding card out too quickly; if customers fail to do so, this can sometimes result in “Chip Reader Failure”


Please ensure terminal is always charged: if 10% battery or very low battery, network connection turns off and can result in a charging failure


Contact your internal support team if your terminal...

      Freezes in the middle of a transaction

      Keeps rebooting

      Loses connection to mobile device and/or network

      Says "board the terminal" or "enter one time password"

      Says "network disconnected"

      Has a red exclamation point

      A receipt is expected but does not print

      Says “System tampered” (this is a security mechanism in the terminal that gets activated when the terminal is shaken or dropped; this error cannot be fixed; terminal must go back to the verified repair facility to break it apart, replace it, and bring back into the field)


Request a replacement terminal if it...


      Will not charge

      Will not turn on (make sure the device has been charged for at least 30 minutes)

      Has a "tampered" message on screen

      You will still need to have your internal support team contact Adyen POS Support, as we have to document these incidents

      Displays a "chip error" message

      Makes constant beeping noises

      Has a stuck key, or an unresponsive touch screen

      Says “Boot Failure”




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