The sales associate should be able to help troubleshoot the Hardware for UNTUCKit HQ:
- Power device off, then turn it back on
- Try to access Admin menu
- If unresolved, note down the terminal serial number and the incorrect behavior.
This is merely to determine if the device works at all. The UNTUCKit team should then help to diagnose whether it may be a network issue. This means walking the sales associate (or whoever is in the store) through the steps of toggling the wifi on the device on and off, checking the IP (Green + 5) and if that it matches with what is in the Newstore app. Take a look at our high level
troubleshooting docs here.
If the problem is not obvious then it is time to send a request to Adyen Support.
That request should include
- Information on the problem (what is going wrong, and what is still working)
- The serial number of the terminal
- What has been tried:
- - powering the device on and off
- - turning wifi on and off
- - checked the IP address which is xxxxxxxxxx
- Theories as to what the issue is, if there are any
Here is a sample for what would be helpful for the team.
Hi Support,
We have a Live terminal which does not appear to be functioning properly. The terminal boots, up and reads “board the terminal”, On the newStore app, we are triggering the payment but nothing happens on the terminal.
We tried rebooting the terminal, and we checked that the IP of the device was the same as that in the newstore app. We also ran the network diagnostics on the PED and received success for each item.
The terminal serial number is xxx-xxx-xxx
Can you please assist to identify the problem. Thanks!
In the case that support identifies that the problem may be a systemic / integration issue then they will loop myself or Maurice into the conversation and we can discuss with Newstore, but generally they are the best judge of that.
I think this approach will ensure that you are getting the best answers from our support team and in the case that it appears to be an integration issue requiring escalation, that we have the information to do so quickly and effectively.